Attract — Educate — Convert — Retain

Below are the various stages that a prospect or customer goes through while they are interacting with your brand. We also offer the ideal types of videos that work best in each phase of the journey.

Attract Phase

Prospects have a problem or opportunity that they are not yet aware of. Thus, videos in this stage are used to make the prospect problem or opportunity aware while also introducing them to your brands service.

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Educate Phase

In the educate phase, your buyer has already identified a pain point that they would like to resolve and a future vision that they would like to achieve. Your potential buyers may lack the expertise, skills or time to achieve their desired goal. As a result, you want to paint a clear picture of how your product and service can help make your buyers life easier. You should clearly explain your process and other competitive advantages that set you a part from others.

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Convert Phase

The buyer is aware of their problem and how your brand will help them resolve that problem. They are geared to make a purchase but they just need that extra nudge to sway them to work with you.

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Retain Phase

You have won the business through a well thought out video marketing strategy but the importance of video does not end there. You must develop videos that cultivate and retain your customers so that you keep them coming back for more. This increases the lifetime value of your customers and also bolsters customer satisfaction surrounding your brand.

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Video Types across all phases of The Buyer’s Journey

01 Attract Phase

Make your target audience aware of the problem and challenge they have and why they should be committed to addressing it. In the attract stage, the objective is to make the buyer aware of specific challenges in their life and the opportunities for growth. The more intense the impact of the problem on the buyer’s daily life, the more compelled they are to take action.

02 Educate

Your audience is aware of the problem they are facing and they are learning about options in the marketplace to resolve it. Your buyer has already identified a pain point that they would like to resolve and a future vision that they would like to achieve. Your potential buyers may lack the expertise, skills or time to achieve their desired goal. As a result, you want to paint a clear picture of how your product and service can help make your buyers life easier. You should clearly explain your process and other competitive advantages that set you a part from others.

03 Convert

Your potential client is familiar with your brand and the reasons why they should choose your product or service. They are going to make a decision, but now it is time for you to close the deal and make them a customer.

04 Retain

You have won the business through a well thought out video marketing strategy but the importance of video does not end there. You must develop videos that cultivate and retain your customers so that you keep them coming back for more. This increases the lifetime value of your customers and also bolsters customer satisfaction surrounding your brand.

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Video Builds Brand

While hitting on all of these stages of the customer journey, the video does another thing better than any other medium – build a brand. As competition continues to rise and prices are commoditized, pushing out consistent content that builds long-term brand equity is vital.

However, most businesses don’t have the time, expertise, or desire to research, write, produce, and edit content on a consistent basis. This is where Reel Content by Marketing Reel can help your service-based business produce consistent, quality video content that helps serve a business goal while also building brand and fueling long-term success.

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