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Effective Real Estate Video marketing requires dynamic creative assets coupled with digital distribution in order to provide a seamless path to purchase for prospects and customers. The explosion of technology and data calls for dynamic video storytelling and innovative products such as virtual reality tours, 3d animated videos, and 360° videos and tours. This coupled with proven digital distribution tactics, tailored specifically to the real estate industry, allows for high impact marketing that sets sales teams up for continued success.

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Real Estate Problems


Whether a commercial, residential or retail project, filling your space is of utmost importance for the long term health of your project and organization. Without the proper marketing that compels prospects to take action, you won’t be able to maximize the cashflow from your properties. If you don’t tap into effective marketing, your competition will take advantage of effective and innovative strategies that will propel them to the top.

Breaking Through The Clutter

The marketing and sale of real estate properties has experienced dwindling in-person interaction, which has been further exacerbated by COVID-19. Real Estate organizations are having to rely more and more on innovative digital marketing solutions to drive results. When creative video assets (360° solutions, virtual reality and 3d animation) are paired with the right digital distribution channels (YouTube, Facebook, Google Instagram) an organization put themselves to stand out and win.


There are often painstaking hurdles to overcome with local and nation government legislation. When you invest in innovation forms of communication such as live video, 3d animation, 360° tours and live stream, you are amplifying your ability to communicate. Take these assets and use them as your perfect pitch every single time in order to gain favor for your project.

Benefits of Video Marketing for Real Estate

Painting a Picture

When we talk about breaking through the digital clutter, you need creative assets that do exactly that. The more a prospect can envision a property, the more likely they are to move through the purchasing funnel. If your project hasn’t been built yet, tap in the power of virtual reality and 3d animation to showcase a photorealistic and immersive view to prospects. Once complete, implement the power of live action video and 360° imagery/video in order to educate, entertain and compel your audience to take action.

Increase Conversions

Video is not only helpful in attracting prospects and keeping them engaged but also gives you an advantage when it comes to making the sale. In fact, well executed video primes a prospect to make a conversion more than any other form of communication. HubSpot cites that after watching a video, “64% of users are more likely to buy a product online.”

It’s in our DNA

Video is also scientifically proven to increase comprehension of a subject as people are capable of processing more information through video (Visuals are processed 60,000 time faster in the brain than text is). Video also has lasting power. According to Hubspot, “a whopping 80% of users recall a video ad they viewed in the past 30 days. With the ability to retain more and for longer, it’s a no-brainer.

Data insights

In the digital realm, tracking every prospect and customer touch point is absolutely possible. This data driven approach allows you to improve the effectiveness of your marketing outreach. It also allows you to trigger additional segmented messaging based on how people interact with your marketing. For instance, if a prospect watches a certain amount of a video, this will trigger an automated

Increase Exposure & Engagement

Video increases exposure across every category because people prefer to consume information that way rather than read a document or look at a picture. According to Mention, on platforms like Instagram, video post have the highest overall engagement rate (38% higher than image posts). According to Wistia, people spend 2.6x more time on pages with video than without. (Wistia).

Amanda Connelly Director of Operations

AJ and his team could not have been any easier to work with! They were very responsive and kept in constant touch to ensure we stayed on our tight deadline. The final outcome truly blew us away, it was the first time we really got the feel for what the building would be like upon completion. Again, one of the greatest investments we made in the development of the building.

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Examples of Real Estate Marketing

Packard Square West
Village Walk Senior Living
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Packard Square Website
Packard Square_41-34
NYC Penthouse Animation
Packard Square North
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