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The Power of YouTube

YouTube is the world’s 2nd largest search engine behind Google. According to YouTube, we watch over one billion hours of videos on their platform every day. That is the immense power of YouTube in today’s environment. In fact, YouTube reaches more people between the ages of 18-34 through mobile in the US than any TV network does through any channel.

What is so impressive about YouTube is the organic reach that it possesses. Since video is harder to produce than simply posting pictures, the organic reach of YouTube is similar to what was seen in the earlier days of Facebook. This makes YouTube the go-to tool for the distribution of all types of organic video content via our Reel Content product. When your videos are uploaded and paired SEO best practices on YouTube, you can gain crucial exposure for high intent organic traffic on YouTube.

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YouTube Organic SEO Tips

Optimize Keyword

Place the exact keyword in the title - preferably in the beginning.

Videos Total Watch Time

The longer the video typically the more watch time. This increases your ranking via the YouTube algorithm.

Master the Hook

Find a way to consistently draw your viewer in within the first 15 seconds.

Verbal Keyword

Say your keyword in your video.

User Interaction Signals

Add an annotation that asks people to like your video, subscribe and comment.

Optimize for click through rate

Your title, Thumbnail and Snippet of description. Create custom thumbnail.

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The Power of YouTube Ads

YouTube is prime for service based businesses because it is where people go to actually search for “how” to solve their problems. Since they go to YouTube with the purpose of learning, this is exactly when you want to capture their attention. Once you engage them when they are in a learner’s mindset, the next logical step for them is take on a buyer’s mindset. It is at this crucial moment that you want your brand to be top of mind for your prospect.

YouTube reports mobile video consumption rises 100% every year (Source: Hubspot)
68% of YouTube users watched YouTube to help make a purchase decision. (Google)
In an average month, 8 out of 10 18-49 year olds watch YouTube.. (Google)
On mobile alone, YouTube reaches more 18 - 49 years olds than any broadcast or cable TV network. (Google)
86% of viewers say they regularly turn to YouTube to learn something new. (Google)
65% of people use YouTube to help them solve a problem or to learn something new. (Google)
targeting team

Hyper Targeting of YouTube Ads

Imagine serving ads to people who are watching educational “how to” videos on YouTube, capturing and redirecting that traffic for yourself. Or how about targeting YouTube ads based on peoples Google search histories. These are just a few of the ways that you can target your ideal customer through YouTube ads.

Demographic Groups

Age, gender, parental status, household income


Affinity audiences – People already interested in relevant topics.
Life events – Target prospects when a specific event is about to occur in their life.
Custom intent audiences – Serve your ads to viewers based on the keywords they’ve recently searched on

Video Remarketing

Retarget viewers based on their past interactions with your video, Trueview ads or YouTube channel.

What it Takes to Win with Video in 2022

A guide to using online video marketing to tell compelling stories that attract, educate, convert and retain customers.

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