Customer Stories


How Stacks used programmatic advertising and connected TV to win more market share and customers.
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Our Services

The Situation

Stacks Auto was looking to drive lead generation and client acquisition during a typically slow time of the year. The challenge was to promote specific sales they were offering through paid ads and provide an ROI.

The Solution & Services

After initially establishing brand awareness via hyper local connected television ads, we doubled down on pre-roll video and display banner ads to push their specific offerings and drive conversions in the form of custom walk ins to the shop.

Connected TV

Display Ads

Pre-roll Video

Advanced Analytics

image for the website

Our Creative Work

Pre-roll video ads

Gif Banner Ads

Connected TV ads


Pre-roll Video
Pre-roll Video

A series of six 15-second video ads were crafted and targeted towards people who recently searched for auto repair services or relevant terms on the internet. The variety of ads created the ability to split test offerings and see which performed best.

Display Banner Ads
Display Banner Ads

Gif Banner ads were delivered using location based targeting of individuals who recently entered competitive auto repair shops, as well as pre-built audiences within a 10 mile radius and also by targeting a a custom audience that was built off mailers that were sent out simultaneously.

Connected TV
Connected TV

15 & 30 second connected tv commercials were delivered on smart tv’s in order to create awareness for the business. Any cell phones that were connected to the router of the home where the commercial was played was then tagged and used to track any store visits.

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Data Tracking & Reporting

Advanced Analytics



We targeted ads based on the same zip codes that their mailers were going out to. We also used an extensive keyword list to target individuals within a 5-mile radius who were searching for terms or reading related articles to auto repair. We tracked specific walk-in as the key metric to prove a return on investment.

image for the website

Final Results

$9.2K Ad Spend & Creative

91 Verified Walk-Ins

4.5X Return on Ad Spend

Through our monthly content retainer, we have been able to affordably produce content that is on brand and effective. We are able to stay top of mind with any potential leads as well as our current clients. More importantly, we are building brand, and in the long run that is what always wins.

Tommy Cummings, Owner of Stacks

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