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Consistent Video Content
That Grows Your Audience into Paying Customers

It is crucial to build your online presence and communicate the value of your business in today’s digital world. Reel Content starts with crafting a video marketing strategy that aligns specific videos with your business goals. Those videos are then produced and distributed on a consistent basis.

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for all Phases of the Buyer’s Journey

It is important to note that most prospects don’t buy right away, but they follow stages of the buyer’s journey that builds awareness, drives consideration, results in purchasing decisions and repeat customers.

01 Attract

In the attract stage, the objective is to make the buyer aware of specific challenges in their life and the opportunities for growth. The more intense the impact of the problem on the buyer’s daily life, the more compelled they are to take action.

02 Educate

Your buyer has already identified a pain point that they would like to resolve and a vision that they would like to achieve. They may lack the expertise, skills or time to achieve their desired goal. As a result, you want to paint a clear picture of how your product and service can help make their life easier. You should clearly explain your process and other competitive advantages that set you a part from others.

03 Convert

Your potential client is familiar with your brand and the reasons why they should choose your product or service. They are going to make a decision, so now it is time for you to close the deal and make them a customer.

04 Retain

You have won the business through a well thought out video marketing strategy but the importance of video does not end there. You must develop videos that cultivate and retain your customers so that you keep them coming back for more. This increases the lifetime value of your customers and also bolsters customer satisfaction surrounding your brand.

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Who is Reel Content For?

People who want to build an audience, which they can nurture and monetize over time.

People who are committed to building their business for the long term.

Business owners with media buying teams that need more content to add value to their audience so that they can increase the conversion rates on their campaigns and increase sales.

People who think outside of the box.

Who is Reel Content NOT For?

People who want to jump into content creation without a well thought out strategy.

Companies that aren’t distributing their content on advertising platforms but want fast growth in the short term.

People who are not willing to partake in the creative process of collaborating.

What can Reel Content do for you?

Breakthrough to your Audience

In a cluttered and competitive digital marketplace, standing out is key to differentiating yourself from your competition. With consistent video content you can engage and build your audience.

Reduce Costs

Reel Content reduces the need for freelancers or full-time staff, allowing you to focus more on the creative while reducing expenses and increasing video content output.

Quick Turnaround times

We use the latest technology and efficiencies in operations to ensure that your video content is delivered on schedule and ready for distribution among a variety of channels.

Increased SEO

Adding videos to your website boosts your SEO scores drastically. In fact, a website is 53 times more likely to reach the front page of Google if it includes video. That means higher intent traffic to your site that has a greater likelihood to convert.

Increased Conversions

Video on landing pages is capable of increasing conversion rates by 80%.

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Meet our Reel Squad

Video Specialists at Your Fingertips

Our Reel Squad is a crew of trained video makers that are ready to make awesome content for your business. When you enroll in a Reel Content retainer, you are paired with your own Reel Squad that help you strategize and coordinate your next shoot. Then they kick into action and film on location in order to bring your next video to life!

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Marketing Reel Pricing Calculator

The Marketing Reel pricing calculator is an interactive tool you can use to get real time cost estimates on services. Configure and calculate the price of your next investment.

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