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that produce tangible and fast business growth with the data to prove it

We create and distribute videos in order to generate reel business results for your company.

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What are Reel Campaigns?

You need a proactive, predictable, marketing system that produces reel results. Reel Campaigns are designed to get your business fast results through the power of online videos combined with the world’s leading advertising platforms (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube & Google).

Companies who only use word of mouth and referrals to market are choosing to rely on hope instead of a system to grow. When you combine video with the world’s leading advertising platforms, you create stunning videos that tell your story, build your brand, sell your services and take your business to new heights. That is effective creativity that produces profitable advertising. That is a Reel Campaign.

01 Brainstorm & Strategy

Discuss your place in the marketplace, set KPI’s and video content goals. Brainstorm creative and on-brand video ideas. Set a content calendar.

02 Produce

Watch your product or service come to life through the various video styles. Film and capture footage with our live action video style. Or let some of our talented illustrators and animators get to work by leveraging 2d animation and 3d animation.

03 Edit

Edit, color correct, add graphics and sound effects to produced the final video.

04 Distribute

Distribute your videos through the proper marketing channels and placements discussed in strategy phase.

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The Reel Campaign Production Difference

Multiple Video Ads

Creating a Reel Campaign is a marathon and not a sprint. We create several pieces of creative so that we can leverage data from YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Google in order to pinpoint the best performing ads and prive profitability.

No Templates

We do not use standard templates. All of our animation, titles and motion graphics work is custom made for your specific service and company. Your brand is unique and that individuality should be reflected in your video production and animation.

Lightning Fast Turn Around

Time is money and we understand the power and importance of speed. If you have previously created assets such as print ads or other images, we can turn those static images into dynamic and engaging video ads within a matter of days.

Hyper Targeting

Knowing your audience is critical. If your targeting is off the mark, your ads won’t reach the right people. We can pinpoint audiences based off of their searching intent on Google & YouTube or through their demographics, locations, interests and behavior on Facebook.


With Reel Campaigns, we gather valuable information about prospects as they interact with your ads. This allows us the ability to offer additional “irresistible offers” based off of the prospects previous behaviors. This means that we can retarget prospects who have shown interest but have yet to convert. It is crucial to follow up with these unconverted leads who are often slow to mature into buyers for a variety of reasons.

Control & Flexibility

You can turn your ads on and off whenever you want to. You can also control where and how your ads show up. On the other hand, most traditional media requires you to be locked into a long term contract with little ability to adjust your course along the way.

Trackable and Measurable

You can trace back the source of every action on Facebook, Instagram, Google and YouTube. If there is a conversion, the ad that lead to that conversion can be tracked. For instance, we typically create several creative videos for a Reel Campaign. Yes, we love making videos but more importantly, this allows us to test every aspect of a campaign and optimize it for best results.

Ineffective Types of Marketers that Don’t Maximize your Results

The Digital Know-it All
The Artsy Video Creator
The TV Ad Salesman
The Generalist
The Digital Know-it All

Status: Understand the technical distribution side of paid advertising.

Problem: Lack the resources or knowledge to produce compelling videos that perform best on these platforms.

Result: As a result, you get a well thought out digital strategy without the right creative to allow that strategy to reach its full potential.

The Artsy Video Creator

Status: Talented video creators in love with the craft of producing beautiful videos.

Problem: Lack of knowledge about the distribution of video in order to generate results.

Result: Compelling video that is not optimized to achieve your intended business goals.

The TV Ad Salesman

Status: Wants to sell you television commercials and collect 15% commission off of it.

Problem: Television is expensive, not fully trackable and does not provide a clear path to conversion.

Result: You spend a lot of money and produce less targeted, transparent and cost-effective marketing compared to a Reel Campaign.

The Generalist

Status: Offers any type of digital and traditional marketing available in order to close the deal and get the client.

Problem: Their operation is literally a circus of juggling client requests and falling short due to a lack of specialization.

Result: A lack of expertise in any one discipline that leads to generally low performance. Channels but most likely it will not yield the best results due to a lack of knowledge and experience.

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What it Takes to Win with Video in 2022

A guide to using online video marketing to tell compelling stories that attract, educate, convert and retain customers.

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