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3D animated videos are powerful because of their immersive capabilities. As with any video, it all starts with a compelling story. That story comes to life with the modeling of shapes and figures combined with textures and unique lighting to create a visually stunning product.

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3D Animated Video Process

There are a lot of pieces involved in developing a 3D compelling animated video but at Marketing Reel, our extensive experience has taught us how to be a lean, mean, animation machine.
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Crafting a story for a 3D animation is the synchronization of story, voiceover and animation direction. When you read it, it should conjure up compelling imagery within your mind. This is the foundation of a cohesive production that will be weaved together piece by piece with a combination of creativity and technology.

3D Modeling

Everything you see on screen is a result of computer graphics modeling. We combine shapes to make 3D characters and background designs in order to bring a rudimentary version of the script to life.

Camera Motion & Animation

Once the basic modeling is complete, we start to move through the space to show how the video will flow. All of the modeled shapes will be animated to showcase their movement from the perspective of the viewer.

Texturing & Lighting

With all of the heavy lifting out of the way, the next phase of artistry is what really brings the 3D animation to life. Minute details as it pertains to texturing and lighting allow the viewer to connect more deeply with the video. The effects can range from subtle to grandiose but the objective is always to elicit another level of emotion while serving the overall purpose of the video.

Additional Elements & Delivery

Now that the animation is done, we add all of the additional ingredients such as music, sound effects and voiceover. We sound mix everything so that it sounds crisp and professional.

3D Animation Details

Average Video Length

Based on user viewing habits and collected data, we typically recommend animation to be between 1 to 2 minutes in length.

Average Timeframe of Completion

We'll need approximately 8-12 weeks from beginning to end, depending on lenght of the animation and the amount of feedback in between drafts.

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3D Animated Video Process

NYC Penthouse Animation
Stamford Media Village
Village Walk Senior Living
Village Green Senior Living
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