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Demo videos showcase a product or service in use so that your audience can understand how it looks and works while also absorbing the benefits. This type of video will typically serve as a decision making factor for those already interested in a product or service.


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Demo Video Features

Easy To Follow

A demo video should be straightforward and easily digestible by the audience. You want to keep it simple and communicate only the information that the audience needs to know in a seamless manner.

Sales Tool

Well executed demo videos can be a powerful sales tool because viewers typically consume them when they are already interested in a product or service. Producing strategic demo videos can take some of the stress off of your sales team by being a strong asset they can use when closing prospects.

Easy To Find

Demo videos are powerful tools for prospects that are already lower down in the sales funnel. As a result, they should be easily discoverable by those who want to watch them. A convenient place for them is often on a company website within a video library that is easily searchable or on a specific product page.

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What Makes Up A Demo Video?

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Screen Share

If your product or service is digital, sharing a screen and seeing it in action can be highly effective at painting a picture for your viewer. It further reinforces your brand while guiding your prospect through the experience in a step-by-step manner.


Animation enhances your video by adding dynamic motion. It presents the opportunity to create and explain any type of scene imaginable. This versatility makes it a powerful asset in your tool box whenever you go to create a demo video.

B-Roll Footage

Live b-roll footage allows you to show a product or service in action. It also adds a humanistic and emotional feeling to your demo video. Shots of individuals using and enjoying your product or service go a long way in helping the viewer envision themselves in the same position.

Demo Video Specs

Funnel Stage


Funnel Stage


Ideal Video Length:

2-5 minutes

Video Timeframe

4-8 weeks

Channel options:

Website, Email

Marketing Reel Pricing Calculator

The Marketing Reel pricing calculator is an interactive tool you can use to get real time cost estimates on services. Configure and calculate the price of your next investment.

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