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Facebook (and Instagram) are inherently visual platforms. With video you can tell richer stories to your audience. On Instagram, video is growing faster than any other type of content at 80% a year. And a Facebook executive predicted that their platform will be all video and no text by 2021. (Quartz) This makes Facebook and Instagram video marketing amongst the most effective in the market.

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Targeting on Facebook & Instagram

Facebook/Instagram’s targeting is a core differentiator in the marketplace. They offer the most robust targeting based on location, demographics, interests and behavior that are relevant to your campaign. They also offer custom audiences and lookalike audiences that show higher intent from the viewer and retargeting options that can bring them closer to an intended conversion.

Location | Demographics Interests & Behavior

Facebook is the world’s leading social media site with over 2 billion people using it every month and Instagram has 1 billion active monthly users. That means that all of these people are providing data related to their location, demographics, interests and behaviors that can be used to match the right prospect with your video campaign.

Custom Audiences

You can create a custom audience based off of someone who has already interacted with your video, lead form, full-screen experience, Facebook page, Instagram profile or event. This helps you double down on an audience that is already receptive, thereby increasing your chances of a successful campaign.

Look-A-Like Audiences

You can dig even further by creating Lookalike audiences to reach people who are similar to an audience that you care about and want to reach. You can create a lookalike audience based off of a custom audience, people who like your FB page, Facebook pixel or SDK, offline event set, and product catalogue.

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Facebook & Instagram Creative Ad Formats

Facebook and Instagram lend themselves to the aesthetics of video storytelling. Each platform provides a variety of creative formats that further enhances your video message and overall campaign effectiveness.

Images & Graphics

Even though we are a video first company, we still leverage still images but just in a more dynamic way. We love to take static images and bring them to life with attention grabbing motion graphics.


Carousel ads combine multiple images or video into a single ad that viewers can swipe through. Tell a story and captivate prospects with multiple videos that result in a 72% higher click.


Our videos encompass video styles that include live action, 2d animation, 3d animation and virtual reality. We also offer a menu of video types that perform best via social ads.


Slideshow ads transform still images into a series of video-like ads. They provide the immersive experience of a video without the budget and time associated with creating videos.


This multi-card ad type features a primary video on top of four corresponding product images.

Instagram/Facebook Stories

Users can organically post video stories that disappear after 24 hours. You can also run Instagram and Facebook story ads that run in between other people’s stories. These ads have different specifications than typical Instagram/Facebook videos but are highly cost effective.

Instant Experience

Utilize a rich media combination of images, videos, gifs, text, products and carousels. What is unique about this creative format is that when you click on it, it keeps you within the Facebook interface instead of redirecting you to an external landing page.


What is great about IGTV is that videos are not limited to the typical 60 seconds on Instagram. This is more time for you to tell you story where you can post videos that are up to 1-hour long. Also, IGTV has different channels similar to traditional TV.

What it Takes to Win with Video in 2022

A guide to using online video marketing to tell compelling stories that attract, educate, convert and retain customers.

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